
wilful. finicky eater. indecisive and yet decisive. love the simplicity stuff of plain, easy, natural. fears complexity. dislikes being haunt by feelings. incredibly slow with technologies. last but not least... i'm the sweet,nice and understanding girl too! =X

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Habitually, before my first visit to a country, my mind will doodle out a drawing, showing me how that country will look like. This drawing picture the overview of the nation’s building, its background and the color of the skies. Istanbul, Turkey, had my mind stuck. I have not the slightest idea on how this place will look like. With that, I didn’t expect much out of Istanbul and even thought of staying in because of the rushing rest hours.

The first few kilometers out from the airport changed my mind. The lake, I couldn’t not love a place with that ocean blue water. A cruise on the lake brings in the words of scenic, rich and lively. A place which is visually charming.

“The biggest mosque in the world, it glows. Like you will see a short fat king walking out from the great doors of this palace- looking-like place. Its grey façade gleaming mystically- The night of Abu Dhabi is like stretches of ECP in the night. The very fact that it is a dull looking city in the day translates its beauty at night. With all buildings here painted pale white, its façade shines into define lines in the night. “

Never found a chance to place the above note I penned down months ago and felt this is a good place to slot it in. The Blue Mosque came as the famous one, but the feeling this Abu Dhabi mosque gave, etch till now.

Arhhs. I am not completing the Istanbul entry. There is a sentiment about some things in life, about folks who came and left.

A verse that caught my heart: I don't have oodles, but I have enough to keep me happy.

Be blessed, my reader.

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