
wilful. finicky eater. indecisive and yet decisive. love the simplicity stuff of plain, easy, natural. fears complexity. dislikes being haunt by feelings. incredibly slow with technologies. last but not least... i'm the sweet,nice and understanding girl too! =X

Sunday, September 27, 2009

丹麦,Copenhagen。 一段熏依草紫褐色舒服的合上一段温绿色,就这样丛叠成一片倒影,填满了那片寥阔的草原直到日落的地平线。沿途中也有成群的小山羊。今天在LegoLand开心的玩了一下午。雪糕,暴米花,炸鸡暑条带我回到小时候。欢笑呐喊真舒服!我决定了,我要开始收集午餐盒,也就是所谓的lunchbox.


(Lego 自家菜)

从新闻上看到有家酒店退出国61道F1菜肴。满汉全席有108道,这要吃个三天三夜。F1的应该要吃上两天一夜吧。哈哈。写着写着,我有点希望一个油油亮亮的月饼会出现在我面前... aiyo又饿了.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

你看看,你看看。照片拍了也不email到我府上。还说我没用心当搏客。9月8日是这位大姐的生日。应工作而没法在新加坡,可是,在米兰的我可是有一边咬着红萍果,一边欣赏美丽的意大利胡波,然后在一边,请天使把我心里的一份小祝福送到天父家里, 保佑你。就这样。OH! 请让我们的Lor-Mee小野餐活动快快到来!

就是喜欢自各儿人的国家。台北,北京,南京和首尔。 就是有那一份人情味。城市是五颜六色的,和平时爱吃的“咯D Huey”一样,给人一中停不了口的美味。在这里拍出来的照片也应此有了不用photoshop的自然鲜艳彩色。

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

i'm having mixed feelings. I'm not very much looking forward to e Milan trip. Probably because it's a 6days trip. mmm. It's ok, i might have the chance to go Venice, there's free internet there, i need to get stuff for sis and Uncle Fernando, so it should be a good trip hor?