
wilful. finicky eater. indecisive and yet decisive. love the simplicity stuff of plain, easy, natural. fears complexity. dislikes being haunt by feelings. incredibly slow with technologies. last but not least... i'm the sweet,nice and understanding girl too! =X

Monday, August 20, 2007

i had my first driving lesson today! it's fun!

mr ong : ok. change gear
adrie :* release accerlerator 1st , den step on clutch* *watching the roads*
mr ong :change gear.
adrie :ok changing liao
mr ong :hands on your gear! if not how to change?
adrie :haha. orh.

den i went off to meet jac at tampines. chose cafe cartel. and i finally get to eat my long-awaited waffle!

we then realised that we cant stop talking the moment we see each other. so no other appointments shall be arrange when we meet up the nect time round. hee...

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