
wilful. finicky eater. indecisive and yet decisive. love the simplicity stuff of plain, easy, natural. fears complexity. dislikes being haunt by feelings. incredibly slow with technologies. last but not least... i'm the sweet,nice and understanding girl too! =X

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Exams are finally over! And it is definitely a “it’s over” for MDP, like literally…

right after exams, it was chill out time! i was prettily dress in my grey dress... but i ended up so un-glam, perspiring all over at the floating platform of Marina Bay! watching fireworks with mel. haha but it was WORTH IT. only when you are there will you understand why mel is always so persistent on watching one.. -the fireworks were launched into the sky creating a magical display of sparkles-

I had a lovely Saturday night out with my darling ladies!

Some emo pics to share!

Then, on Sunday, I attended service with xinkai and Kelly.. I think this two person look more and more compatible each day 拉.haha

Pastor Prince definitely gave an interesting sermon today and with his clever use of words, he gave this sentence which I’m sure it happened to almost everyone.

You can be lying motionless on bed but your mind is racing a Formula One! Isn’t it so true? This always happen on your most emo days, when it’s all dark and quiet… you just cannot stop thinking..


Unknown said...

hey hey

i dont like the word "dark and quiet" lah!
anyway im so in love with you guys lah, wad is life without you people? =D

Kelly said...

thanks for the vote of confidence for me and xk's compatibility. i hope that means that he's growing more handsome n me more pretty. hee..