
wilful. finicky eater. indecisive and yet decisive. love the simplicity stuff of plain, easy, natural. fears complexity. dislikes being haunt by feelings. incredibly slow with technologies. last but not least... i'm the sweet,nice and understanding girl too! =X

Thursday, August 23, 2007

It's Kelly's graduation! went to SIA training centre. exchanged for a pass before we went in...

after some light refreshment, we decided to pose
for a picture outside the economy cabin- there's a first class one, waiting for Joseph to email it over..

Congrats Jiemei! i'm so proud of YOU! (we can fly, but we choose to soar!)woo hoo~

today is such an eventful day. 22aug07
-Papa's Bdae
-Mel's mum's bdae
-Josephine bdae
-Kelly's fren's bdae too
-Kelly's Grad

cant help but to post another pic! hee hee

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