
wilful. finicky eater. indecisive and yet decisive. love the simplicity stuff of plain, easy, natural. fears complexity. dislikes being haunt by feelings. incredibly slow with technologies. last but not least... i'm the sweet,nice and understanding girl too! =X

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

It was again a dreadful Monday when lessons started at 2pm and ended at 10pm. I took the 2hrs break in between to e chapel for some quiet time, only to realize it was occupied by a YMCA event. So while the people were rehearsing, I took a seat at one of the pews and read a book. It is a book on the “25 ultimate experiences of India”. I flipped the book and landed on this page that reads:

Views constantly change as you cruise along. One minute you are squeezing through a narrow canal clogged with purple water hyacinth; the next, you're gliding over luminous, placid lakes fringed by groves of coconut palms.

It was a beautiful sentence. Though it was describing Keralan’s backwaters, but to me, it was describing things that happen in life. praise the lord.

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