
wilful. finicky eater. indecisive and yet decisive. love the simplicity stuff of plain, easy, natural. fears complexity. dislikes being haunt by feelings. incredibly slow with technologies. last but not least... i'm the sweet,nice and understanding girl too! =X

Thursday, March 26, 2009

yugi's Mie Goreng

*tee di* a msg came while I was dozing off in the bus.
Adrie! Morning! I'm making u mie goreng. hahaha. Hope u like it :)
this dear friend of mine, we sat at the same table for our first week in school. She's the nice sort. A kind girl i'm glad to have in the all new enviroment i'm in currently.. She's from Indonesia so naturally we had a little conversation on MeeGoreng. and this morning, it came. =) thou it was slightly dry by the time it travelled to sch.. but i like every home-made food my friends brought. thank you Lord.

there's an egg too!

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