
wilful. finicky eater. indecisive and yet decisive. love the simplicity stuff of plain, easy, natural. fears complexity. dislikes being haunt by feelings. incredibly slow with technologies. last but not least... i'm the sweet,nice and understanding girl too! =X

Sunday, July 27, 2008

as the cake says.. -oh, lots of eye candy(s) at the party, yonggie you missed out the chais!
haha this is probably e last 21st birthday unless ally is doing one for hers too. happy21stYF!

thats saturday, and this was wednesday

finally... i can ask for a "table for 4 pls" mel has been missing in action for quite some time. glad that we met up. glad that yonggie stayed back thou he's very tired. glad that xinzi didn't mind coming over to sgoon. glad that .. glad that =)

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