We are awarded with 366days this year and an extra Friday in the month of February.
In the most logical explanation, leap year was created to correct the accuracy of our calendar. Reason being, each year should have 365 ¼ days, but as we all know, we can only contain 365 days as we cant possibly have 31st ¼ December 2008! Hence, 4 years of ¼ days adds up to this one day in leap year ~
In fairy tale terms, we bring about an Irish old tale that was introduced many centuries ago. It is/was a tradition that allows women to propose to men during a leap year. And this can only happens on Leap Day (hui hui, 2008).
Lets fall in love =)
Friday, February 29, 2008
classic lines:
chua: hello class
students: hi...
chua: hi class
students: hello...
chua: ok class, do you know why we are looking at this slide?
chua: cos we are looking at this slide
xinzi and i always get bored during HR. and we start engaging in the most friendly conversations .
chua: now, we look at discrimination
xinzi: eh, he talking about you.
xinzi to franco: he talking about adrie.
chua: there's 2 types of discrimination, direct and indirect
xinzi: his tie is so ugly.
adrie: ok take picture.
tada! and that's the pic of it !!!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
i wanted to add more pictures to that thailand post, but i cant get the pictures alignment right, and due to my persistence in quality control, i've decided to write about something else.
oh i had dinner with Jerm today @ chomp chomp. i suggested dropping by the Cold Storage -Speciality store. so as we walked towards it i saw a guy who looks like Jerald and...
adrie: " hey i saw your brother here some months back ..
Jerm: " ya i know, he told me he saw my 3 AH LIAN friends.
come on lor, to begin with, there was only me, mel and yonggie. 2 AH LIANS will be the correct figure. BUT then again. how dare he say we are AH LIANS! omg. thats offensive can...
oh i had dinner with Jerm today @ chomp chomp. i suggested dropping by the Cold Storage -Speciality store. so as we walked towards it i saw a guy who looks like Jerald and...
adrie: " hey i saw your brother here some months back ..
Jerm: " ya i know, he told me he saw my 3 AH LIAN friends.
come on lor, to begin with, there was only me, mel and yonggie. 2 AH LIANS will be the correct figure. BUT then again. how dare he say we are AH LIANS! omg. thats offensive can...
Sunday, February 3, 2008
its saturday. an unexpected family day.
got a message from adele that she couldnt meet me today, was quite disappointed as i had already planned to go for my Wasabe Tei (even though the uncle has the most eccentric character i have ever encountered). so i got up from my bed and wanted to just go on a shopping trip alone. obviously i was too lazy to do so.
ok now i'm too lazy too continue typing. . .
Saturday, February 2, 2008

According to our records, you have reserved thefollowing item(s). Please collect the item(s)at the library by the date indicated.
after 2 months of long wait, this book has finally arrive! quite a pleasant surprise to see the email. hee. at least NLB keeps track of their reservations as compared to Harris, which has most prob threw away my contact the moment i left the store.
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